Services Provided

More than 30 years ago at a Central Los Angeles family services agency, Dr. Peck began her work as a counselor and psychotherapist.  Since then, she has completed two master’s degrees and a doctorate, worked as a full-time academic, conducted research, and refined her clinical skills.  She has consulted with various nonprofit, government, and academic organizations providing assistance with strategic planning and program implementation.


The most important aspect of successful counseling is the relationship between the therapist and you, the client.  So, let’s shift the tone here to real…  As a therapist, I believe that the only place to start is where the client is.  This involves gaining an understanding of the issues the client brings, including the common worry: “can I tell this therapist ALL my stuff…?”

It thrills me to recall the many clients who have told me things, such as: “I looked at you and knew I could tell you anything,” and “never once have I felt judged by you…”  My ability to honor everyone’s journey and feelings is critical to effective counseling, especially considering the diverse range of clients with whom I work

Our work together will capitalize on you.  We will use your strengths and resources, combined with my clinical expertise, to get you to where you want to be in life.  We will work together to help you live fully, completely and passionately!


Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing, known as EMDR, is a well-researched treatment protocol that permanently reduces and eliminates many mental health symptoms, including helping people to reconcile and recover from recent and earlier life angst and conflicts.

EMDR utilizes the same cognitive or neural processes that occurs during REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep, except you are awake, alert, and totally aware and in control of what is happening.  During EMDR we are accessing the brains natural healing processes.

Utilizing EMDR, I have assisted clients with recovery from addictions, reducing symptoms of distress and anxiety, reconciling traumatic childhoods, and resolving the effects of recent trauma.  Rapidly, EMDR has become a leading intervention protocol for many mental health professionals.

Teaching & Lecturing

When at the University of Washington, Dr. Peck became an instructional consultant helping students and faculty members to improve their teaching.  She is an expert teacher known for her energetic, engaging, dynamic, and thought-provoking teaching style.

Dr. Peck has taught many undergraduate, graduate, and post-graduate courses including issues of aging, sexuality, gender, EMDR and various other clinical topics.  She has been a frequent guest presenter for various community and professional organizations.

Please click here to review Dr. Peck’s curriculum vitae.  Call (602)570-2373 to discuss teaching, lecturing, and training opportunities for you and organizations with which you are affiliated.


Dr. Peck is fortunate to possess significant and diverse scholarly knowledge, extensive clinical experience, and dynamic training and teaching skills. She also has a degree in non-profit management and has served as an organizational consultant.

For Dr. Peck, helping others to improve and refine their professional skills is a passion.  Please feel welcome to contact Dr. Peck to discuss consulting options.